**A manhattan view apartment in the heart of Williamsburg**

Apartments for Sublet



Williamsburg, Brooklyn


April 10, 2025 - April 24, 2025


L/J train


450 sq. ft.

I'm going our of the country for a vacation and offering this 38th floor one bedroom apartment in the vibrant area of Williamsburg, by the Domino park, bars and restaurants.
The price is to cover my rent only - no profit.

The building is offering a gym, work space, and potentially an outdoor pool (if it'll open for the season on time for the sublet)

A great opportunity to experience the area weather you're visiting from out of town or on a stay cation.

About This Lister

I've been in this apartment for about a year, and enjoy every day waking up to these views amenities and high end features.

Lister's Relationship to the Space

I'm the renter

Rental requirements

Just make sure to be respectful to the neighbors :)


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