Affordable coaching for artists and creatives


Remote Opportunities


$137 initial session, then pay-what-you-can for four whole months!

Posted 2 days ago

About this Service

I help creatives struggling with self-doubt and confusion step into their power, regain their confidence, and build a life that feels sustainable and meaningful.

ALERT! 🚨 Right now, I am running a special pay-what-you-can offer for new clients in September and October for my coaching program Crossing The Threshold. This is in celebration of my next chapter - I'm leaving my day job to do coaching full time! 🥳

Start with a powerful 90-minute Call to Adventure session (more info on my website below).

Use code LISTINGSPROJECT for $60 off the usual price of $197.

If you want to continue working with me, we'll set up a monthly payment plan that works for you. This is truly pay-what-you-can for four months of high-support coaching. I am hungry to work with people who are ready to dive in. If you're worried about shortchanging me, don't be - I want to make this as accessible as possible.

Twelve 50-minute coaching sessions and continuous WhatsApp messaging support over the course of four months.

About this Lister

~~~I'm a dreamer, but I don't believe that dreams come true - reality does.~~~~

Anna Yukevich is a singer-songwriter (under the name Hugs for Science) and creative coach based in Brooklyn, NY. She finds nothing more inspiring than witnessing her coaching clients' transformations. Anna's on a mission to showcase the transformative power of coaching, an often misunderstood practice. It's not just for bros and girlbosses! Coaching is for thoughtful, hardworking, community-minded people who want to make progress faster than they might on their own.

Anna works with artists, budding creatives, and individuals looking to reconnect with their inner spark, guiding them towards more authentic and fulfilling lives. Her coaching style is marked by sharp listening skills, a fun, lighthearted approach that makes personal growth enjoyable, and deep empathy with a focus on what feels most alive for her clients. She is committed to honesty, accountability, and unwavering support throughout the coaching process.

Background and Expertise

Are you a creative soul:

- Questioning your path and purpose,

- Feeling stuck between your artistic dreams and financial stability,

- Struggling to navigate the competitive urban environment,

- Battling self-doubt and imposter syndrome, and

- Yearning for a deeper connection to your work and yourself?

Cool - because so was I! I am happy to say I have rewritten this story into one where I experience daily confidence, trust, and satisfaction.

Drawing from my own journey as a Drama graduate (cum laude, Kenyon College) and singer-songwriter, I've spent nearly a decade immersed in NYC's theater and music scenes. I've faced the same struggles and emerged with invaluable insights.

As your coach, I'm here to help you navigate these challenges and unlock your true potential. But let me be clear: I'm not a consultant with all the answers. Instead, I'm here to listen for what lights YOU up, and encourage you to use YOUR OWN creative power to move forward. It's a muscle that needs to be trained, and together, we'll work on strengthening it.

My experience working at the Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation, a century-old nonprofit dedicated to helping individuals find career fulfillment, was a turning point for me. It opened my eyes to a crucial truth: everyone is different, and mindset is a HUGE part of success. I've seen incredibly talented people cruelly berate themselves during aptitude tests, and it made me realize how much our self-perception impacts our career journey. This insight sparked my passion for creative coaching.

I wanted to go beyond test results and career assessments to address the root of the problem - helping people see how beautiful and capable they truly are. This perspective, combined with my ongoing ICF coach certification training and a year of professional coaching experience, allows me to offer a holistic approach to creative career development that focuses on both skills and self-belief.

One of my greatest assets is my network. I have numerous friends actively pursuing artistic careers across various disciplines. This means I can tap into a wealth of real-world experience and advice, offering you insights from those who are currently navigating the creative landscape.

Through our work together, you'll gain a fresh perspective on your challenges and aspirations, develop practical solutions and achievable goals, and find a supportive partnership focused on your growth and success. We'll work on reframing your personal narrative, discovering strategies to align your creativity with career fulfillment, and building confidence in your abilities and decisions.

If you're ready for a transformative journey with a coach who offers deep, meaningful connection, isn't afraid of a good laugh, and will challenge and encourage you to see your own beauty and potential - let's connect.


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