Art/design couple looking for dog-friendly house for 1 month

Seeking Living Space


East side / silver lake / highland park, Los Angeles


December 1, 2024 - January 1, 2025

We are a photo/design couple who will be spending December in LA. J is in an MFA program where they will be studying on site in downtown LA. L works remotely as a designer. They have a 10yr old small mutt named Gus.

We’re seeking a one+ bedroom apartment or house with a place to do laptop work (such as a dining table or desk) and a good kitchen. Parking and Laundry is a plus.

We are flexible on end dates, we just want to arrive by Dec 1 and be in the same place until at least Dec 15th, if not the whole month.

Thank you!

About This Lister

We’re both working professionals in our late 30s. We live in seattle. J is working on an MFA in photography, while L works remotely as a designer. They have a small dog named Gus.


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