Hi my name is Renee. I am an LA based artist and woodworker. I currently do contract work and have a very flexible schedule. I have an indoor/outdoor cat that is the most chill and relaxed guy except around other cats. He likes humans and dogs but not other cats, unfortunately.
I am looking for a roommate or potentially roommates because I am currently in a small studio apartment that doesn’t accommodate my needs for work. Ideally I would like to pay less rent so that I can invest that money back into my small business and to pay rent at my woodshop.
I am a 36 year old female. I am single, responsible, considerate, clean and extremely active. I will be in nature any time I am not working or at the rock climbing gym. I am highly communicative and adaptive. I have a deep sense of spirituality and I practice meditation and breath work regularly. I am an excellent cook and I love to make food. Above all else, I believe in being kind and patient.