Hi there, leaving town for a family emergency and subletting my 1 Bedroom apartment on the border of Chinatown and Little Italy in Manhattan for March and April.
Fully furnished apartment with south facing windows in a beautiful pre-war building that's family owned and really well maintained. Beautiful views and a fantastic fire escape
Within walking distance of virtually every subway line: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, A, C, E, B, F, M. J, N, Q, R, W
Walkable neighborhood with a lot of great food and culture around it.
Great space to rent if moving to NYC or between leases in the city.
Can be flexible with terms but hoping to fill the space by March 15 and will be back in May.
2nd floor walkup. Wifi included.
Mental Health Professional
Current Resident
Rent for first month
Please let me know if you have any pets!