Hi all! I'm looking to sublet the primary bedroom in my luxury apt for a few weeks this month. The bedroom is huge and has an en suite bathroom and shower with heated floors, two giant windows and a walk-in closet. The apt itself has a balcony and a really beautiful living room / kitchen area.
I have a really close friend staying in the small bedroom who takes care of my beautiful animal/cat, his name is Oce. He will cuddle you and be your best friend.
The building has a roofdeck with panoramic views of the sunset and Manhattan, Brooklyn and the statue of liberty as well as a coworking space, a gym, a dog park, and storage.
My ideal dates are March 12th - March 16th, then 18th - 23rd, but if you want to stay the whole time until the 23rd I can be flexible.
I am an artist and the owner of a business, AllInOne, that turns vacant spaces into housing and community centers for artists. I go to sleep at 10pm most nights but also enjoy a good dance party and a dinner party. I am on my grind and excited for life. Hopefully you are too.
I am the renter of this apt.
Must show proof of previous rental payments - and a quick bio / description of who you are and why you'd like to rent