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Learning About Your Soul's Journey with an Akashic Records Reading


Remote Opportunities


$125 - 50-Minute Reading

Posted 2 days ago

About this Service

Are you ready to receive answers to some of your burning questions about your relationships, your career or business, your health, your creativity, your life purpose and overall life journey? Would you also like to strengthen your intuition, increase your spiritual awareness and connect more deeply with your spirit guides? If so, then you’re ready for an Akashic Records reading! Just being in your Records can be a healing experience that can bring about shifts in your mind, body and emotions. It can also help you get unstuck and gain clarity about specific issues in your life. Think in terms of soul alignment, soul attunement, soul intervention, soul work and purpose as you gather what you need to move forward with confidence!

The word Akasha means ether or space. Within that space or quantum field is a library of individual and collective Records of thoughts, emotions and events from the past, present and future. Your Records contain vast amounts of information about your soul’s journey and blueprint for this and other lifetimes. When I do a reading for you, I open your individual Records and answer any questions you may have about that journey.

About this Lister

Victoria Fann is a writer, transformational coach, spiritual mentor and Akashic Records reader. Her passion is helping consciously evolving humans design a life that is in full alignment with their soul’s Highest Purpose and most authentic creative expression. She’s been working with clients, facilitating groups and leading creative and transformational workshops throughout the U.S. for over three decades. Victoria’s work is embodied and intuitive, inspired by her extended time at Esalen Institute as well as her training with many of the early founders and teachers of the human potential movement. Those who study with her receive the benefits of forty years of inner exploration, outer practices and esoteric teachings. Author of the book, Creative Alchemy: Accessing the Extraordinary Power of the Muse to Transform Your Art & Your Life, Victoria enjoys writing essays, stories, plays, screenplays and has been published in newspapers, magazines, anthologies and a variety of online publications. To learn more, visit her website.

Background and Expertise

I began working with clients in 1986 as a massage therapist. Then in 1989, I started my first group. Group facilitation became a great passion of mine, which led to the founding of numerous other groups. This quickly evolved into teaching classes, running workshops, coaching and most recently, Akashic Records readings. I’m also a certified medical Qigong practice leader.

It's been a natural, organic unfoldment, leading to a style of working that is grounded and embodied, drawing on a myriad of life experiences including over four decades of training, immersion and practice in meditation, visualization, intuitive inner work and journeying, emotional and physical healing, mystical awareness and connecting with Source. Over the years, I have been blessed to provide my services to thousands of people in the areas of business, creativity, personal empowerment and consciousness.


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