Private creative studios and offices available 1 block from the Nostrand Ave. A and C subway stop in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn.
No living
- Studio H, 310 SQFT for $1,070, with built-in new AC and heat. Interior space with fresh air ventilation, no windows.
available for move in immediately.
- On floor: 2 separate entrances, 2 bathrooms, slop sink, and kitchen area.
- No elevator in the building, one flight of stairs to get up to the floor. Wide stairs case and parking in front of the door.
- great community of creative professionals on the floor
- Utilities are paid monthly.
- Each studio has control of its own heating and AC
- Floor to ceiling walls. Painted gray wood floors
- 24/7 access
- Home Depot, hardware, restaurants, bars, and stores nearby
- Shares are ok
Please email to set a time to visit. Tell us what you do / how you will use the space with a link.
a community of creative professionals
Last month and security, signed lease agreement.