Listings Project is tapping into the power of community, art, and creativity to inspire voters this election year! Check it out.

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The Free Membership Tier offers the same Listings Project experience you’ve come to know and love these past twenty years.

As a free member you have access to:

  • Browse vetted listings
  • Connect with Listers
  • Post listings (fees apply)
  • Read weekly newsletter
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Supporting Member


The Supporting Membership Tier is a monthly membership plan that offers more tools to make it easier to find your place and find your people!

All of the free member benefits plus:

  • Get first access to new listings
  • Save your favorite listings
  • Alerts when favorite listings are reposted
  • Partner Discounts
  • Easily cancel at any time

Why Membership?

Thank you for helping to sustain our community!

Over the last twenty years, you, our Listings Project community, transformed a small newsletter into a global community, spanning 200 countries, 43 US states, and over a million listings.

Throughout this time, Listings Project has been a small, independent company, with no external funding. By becoming a Supporting Member, you’re supporting our vision — to create opportunities for all people to have equitable access to jobs and housing.

Thank you for helping sustain our community and keeping Listings Project independent, woman-owned, and for and by our community!

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For me Project Listings has been that heart centered resource that has played a very prominent role in my story. This channel as a vetted platform allows for navigating life while maintaining community values that will help us as a collective to maintain faith, trust, humanity, kindness, and many more soft powers at the forefront of our marketplace, global identity and world. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


A huge thank you for your help - you sincerely brighten my day! MERCI for creating Listings Project and bringing a great community together. One year ago I met Alexandra through my post on Listings, we were roommates for a few months and became true friends, supporting each other creative passion and inspiring each other. I feel very lucky to have met her, so big thank you to you and your team.


Since COVID, I’ve left my tiny Manhattan studio and subleased a couple different apartments in Brooklyn. It’s allowed me to explore new neighborhoods, live in a larger space while working from home, and importantly given me the flexibility to travel when needed to be with my family. Thank you to this community and all the hard work you put into curating the listings!


I wanted to thank you for this newsletter. Last year when I asked around about studio spaces, everyone pointed me your way. I didn't know, when I signed up for the weekly newsletter, what an invaluable source of information Listings Project would be. As a newcomer to the art world, without a built-in community, I love hearing the stories that you share and the care that you take for us artists. Thank you for all your work!


I've gotten the Listings Project newsletter and have found places because of it. As a Black man, while never being conscious of it, I was so pleased (and viscerally moved) by your removal of “safe” when vetting the listings. That word always makes me wince, whether in conversation or on paper, because it’s a euphemism. I can’t thank you enough for that. All the best and keep doing what you’re doing! You’re a valuable resource.


I had a very stressful hunt for a roommate this season. Well this year, Listings Project rescued me, sending me multiple, wonderful candidates. Next go round I am putting all of my eggs in the Listing Project basket because it has been so worthwhile. Thanks for creating a tremendous service.


I posted an ad with Listings Project for the first time in six years. The process is great, and I love how much you've highlighted and modeled equity and inclusion! It's not just buried in the fine print but front and center.


My fiancé and I are long time fans of the listings project and found one of our favorite apartments through it. You've made a wonderful community and made what's often a stressful project (finding a home) more joyful and supportive in every way. Thank you!


Thank you so much for listing my job posting. I received a large number of extremely qualified responses, and I hired a remarkable young woman who gets exactly what I need and is so good, I already gave her a raise. I wrote back to every applicant, with very kind and encouraging language, a few I asked if I can keep on file for the future.  It was a fantastic experience, thank you so very much.


I just wanted to express my gratitude for what you have created. I have found the most wonderful tenants, kind, respectful, conscientious, and creative! They have always added positively to the community and many have become friends. I’ve been loving on you guys all day so I thought I’d let you know how much you’ve eased the process and helped to enrich my/our community.
