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Art & Artists

Art Studios for Rent in Brooklyn, Kentucky, and Upstate New York

By Mayela Rodriguez
November 29, 2021

Dozens of artists find and share art studio spaces every week on Listings Project. These artists are the lifeblood of our communities, keeping us connected to and engaged with the things that matter most. In this series, we showcase some of these art studios that were listed with us recently. To see our current available art studio listings, check out our most recent listings.

A Community Art Studio in Brooklyn


Photo by AllInOne Collective

AllInOne Collective is an art community in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn. You can also find AllInOne Collective on Instagram.

“We are looking for creatives to join our artist and activist community in Clinton Hill. We have a private office/studio space available in a breathtaking mansion amongst an unparalleled collective of very cool, very talented young artists and community builders.” - AllInOne Collective

A Live/Work Art Studio in Kentucky


Photo by Patricia Baldwin

Patricia Baldwin is a writer, painter, and residency host working from her live/work art studio in Lexington, Kentucky. You can also find Patricia on Instagram.

“[I host] retreats and [have] 5 other artists in studios on the compound, making the environment and atmosphere in which you are immersed here, fully creative and inspiring.” - Patricia Baldwin

A Storefront Art Studio in Upstate, New York


Photo by E.S. Mahler

E.S. Mahler is an artist and residency host working out of their art studio in Kingston, New York. You can also find E.S. on Instagram.

“Great for studio work, makerspace, showrooms, dinner parties, photoshoots, large space to work on a large projects, office space, yoga retreats, workouts etc. During the summer I run a project space/residency called Store Space.” - E.S. Mahler

Feature Photo by
E.S. Mahler

Mayela Rodriguez, our Editorial Designer, works closely with the team to create designs for the website, newsletter, and user experience. A self-proclaimed “media-agnostic” artist, Mayela received her MFA from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. You can learn more about her work at www.mayelarodriguez.com.

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