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Art & Artists

Where We Work: Art Studios in Los Angeles and San Francisco

By Mayela Rodriguez
March 15, 2021

Dozens of artists find and share art studio spaces every week on Listings Project. These artists are the lifeblood of our communities, keeping us connected to and engaged with the things that matter most. In our Where We Work series, we showcase some of these art studios.

A Painter’s Art Studio in San Francisco


Photo by Sarah Thibault

Sarah Thibault is a painter working out of her art studio in San Francisco. You can also find her on Instagram.

“I usually go to my studio in the morning after doing an hour of writing or doing some work on my computer. I try not to use my studio space for anything other than making work. Once I get going on a painting, I try to go for at least an hour or two before taking a break to go on a walk around the neighborhood or grab refreshments. 

It's important that I have good lighting so I can see the colors I'm using correctly.  The ceilings are about 30 feet above the studio and the light at night is pretty uneven. Luckily the previous tenant set up some ad-hoc fluorescent lights on the beam above my studio which has made a big difference.

I haven't done as much as I would like to create a comfortable studio, but I do have a handful of plants and a couple of salt lamps.  In addition to those, I brought some fun or inspiring things from home like a ceramic hand mug that I made, or a couple of funny owl figurines that I picked up at thrift stores.” - Sarah Thibault

A Music Studio in Los Angeles for Creating Soundscapes


Photo by László Bolender

László Bolender is a musician and visual artist working from his home music and art studio in Los Angeles. You can also find him on Instagram.

“I write down my ideas as they come in various notebooks. In the morning, I go through the latest ideas and sort through what is worth exploring.

My space has to be comfortable, so I have different places where I can sit and space to lie down on the floor. The main room contains various pieces of audio equipment and computers, which I use for music and art. Music, code or videography all becomes part of my daily work at the main desk. I still get up, move around, grab and test things out, though. The other room functions as a live/rehearsal room in which I record loud sounds.” - László Bolender

A Video Editor's Studio in Los Angeles 


Photo by Meryl

Meryl is a video editor working out of her edit bay in Los Angeles. You can also find her on Instagram.

“I arrive in my edit bay each morning, settle in, brew some coffee, and review my “To Do” list. My edit bay is my happy place. I keep it neat, clean and organized. What guides my mindset each day is a sense of dedication and enthusiasm. I find post-production fascinating, and editing especially so because of the combination of creative and technical skills that editors need to master the craft, as well as the continuous dazzling technical advances in my field.” - Meryl

Feature Photo by László Bolender

Mayela Rodriguez, our Editorial Designer, works closely with the team to create designs for the website, newsletter, and user experience. A self-proclaimed “media-agnostic” artist, Mayela received her MFA from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. You can learn more about her work at www.mayelarodriguez.com.

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