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Art & Artists

Where We Work: Art Studios in New York and Barcelona

By Mayela Rodriguez
May 24, 2021

Dozens of artists find and share art studio spaces every week on Listings Project. These artists are the lifeblood of our communities, keeping us connected to and engaged with the things that matter most. In our Where We Work series, we showcase some of these art studios.

An Art Studio with a Creative History in East Hampton, NY

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Photo by Nicole Corbett

Nicole Corbett is a ceramicist working out of her art studio in East Hampton, New York. You can also find her on Instagram.

“My studio was built in 1957 in the Springs neighborhood of East Hampton, NY, which is known for all the Abstract Expressionists who made art here. It was originally built as a painting studio and I can still feel the creative energy of the artist who worked here before me. When I moved in, the studio had sat unused for a decade, so I scrubbed it, painted the floors and the walls white, and brought it back to life.

When I’m sculpting, I face the windows and an apple tree outside. I watch the birds landing and rabbits eating on the lawn. I get lost in the connection between nature and what I’m making with my hands. I often work late into the night when the studio feels especially private, and the darkness outside the windows gives me the courage to pour my deepest self into my work without inhibitions.” - Nicole Corbett

An Art Studio and an “Espacio de respiración para el espíritu” in Barcelona

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Photo by Cynthia Fusillo

Cynthia Fusillo is an artist working out of her art studio in Barcelona. You can also find her on Instagram.

“Mi estudio es un espacio que es un hogar, un laboratorio, un ambiente en constante movimiento. Es un lugar para experimentar, jugar y cometer errores maravillosos: un campo de posibilidades infinitas. Mi estudio se convierte en el espacio donde me sumerjo en los materiales para poder escuchar e intuir mi próximo paso. Trabajar de adentro hacia afuera me permite enamorarme del proceso y lo desconocido. Con materiales comunes y mundanos como tierra, arena, flores, corteza de árbol, café, té, papel, yeso, hilo, escucho estos materiales y les permito hablar.

Como mujer artista me interesa ver el mundo a través del cuerpo. Mi cuerpo es mi plantilla: un contenedor que tiene recuerdos e historias que contar. Los recuerdos y las historias ayudan a apreciar la experiencia humana.

Estoy interesado en el "trabajo" como un proceso creativo, un oficio que tiene corazón y alma.


My studio is a space that is a home, a laboratory and an ambience in constant movement. It is a place to experiment, and play and make wonderful mistakes: a field of infinite possibilities. My studio becomes the space where I immerse myself in the materials so I can listen, and intuit my next step. Working from the inside out allows me to fall in love with the process and the unknown. With common and worldly materials such as dirt, sand, flowers, tree bark, coffee, tea, paper, plaster, thread, I listen to these materials and allow them to speak.

As a woman artist I am interested in seeing the world through the body.  My body is my template: a container that has memories and stories to tell. The memories and stories help to appreciate the human experience. I am interested in “labour” as a creative process, a craft that has heart and soul.” - Cynthia Fusillo

A Community Art Studio in Bedstuy, Brooklyn

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Photo by Skye Asta Devine Schirmer

Skye Asta Devine Schirmer is an artist out of her art studio in Bedstuy, Brooklyn. You can also find her on Instagram.

“I co-run a shared studio space in Bedstuy, Brooklyn called Vega Studios with my friend and fellow artist Rachel Chicaguala. We have been in this space for about three years now, and are focused on creating a community of artists with access to affordable studio space. Vega Studios is a collective in roughly 1000 sq foot space divided semi-privately into seven spaces. 

Community in the art world is important to us so the space is set up with an open flow to allow for conversation (when we are not in the zone!). We recently kicked off a First Sunday Community Trash Pickup in our studio's neighborhood and are looking forward to doing more community projects in the future (as Covid allows). 

Depending on my schedule with other jobs, my day in the studio can fluctuate, but this past month I have been treating it as a self-directed residency and have been in here pretty much every day. Usually, I get in around 11:30 or 12 pm (I like to leisurely do the crossword in the morning and exercise before coming here) and leave around 7 pm. My space is about 150 square feet and starting to feel too small since I have to store a lot of paintings!” - Skye Asta Devine Schirmer

Feature Photo by
Nicole Corbett

Mayela Rodriguez, our Editorial Designer, works closely with the team to create designs for the website, newsletter, and user experience. A self-proclaimed “media-agnostic” artist, Mayela received her MFA from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. You can learn more about her work at www.mayelarodriguez.com.

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