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Art & Artists

Where We Work: Art Studios in The San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles

By Mayela Rodriguez
June 7, 2021

Dozens of artists find and share art studio spaces every week on Listings Project. These artists are the lifeblood of our communities, keeping us connected to and engaged with the things that matter most. In our Where We Work series, we showcase some of these art studios.

A Writing Corner in Los Angeles

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Photo by Alessandra Bergamin

Alessandra Bergamin is a freelance journalist working out of her home studio in Los Angeles. You can also find her on Instagram.

“Although much of my work happens outside of “the office” – say, reporting in the field or mulling over story structure while I walk my dog — I do most of my actual writing at night, at this desk in the corner of my bedroom. While the walls stay pretty much the same — a few pieces of art, a whiteboard usually scribbled with things to be done, and a photo of a writing mentor who passed away a few years ago — the items strewn across the desk constantly change, breathing some new life into an otherwise tight workspace. The plants are moved depending on the light, the empty coffee cups eventually make their way back into the kitchen, and the pile of books rotates depending on what I need for research, inspiration, or simply enjoyment.” - Alessandra Bergamin

A Light-filled Art Studio near Northern California’s Russian River

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Photo by Gerald Huth

Gerald Huth is a painter working out of his art studio in Forestville, California. You can also find him on Instagram.

My studio is a delight. The 14 feet high ceilings feeling like a cathedral. When we bought the house in 1985, the studio was a dilapidated barn. But the building spoke to me. We raised the roof, rebuilt the walls, installed heat and air conditioning, cut in five skylights. We also built my easels and work tables to fit my 6 feet 4 inches tall frame. Besides the ongoing work and all my materials, it is filled with objects and mementos from 50 years of traveling the world.” - Gerald Huth

A Cozy Art Studio in San Francisco

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Photo by Margaret Timbrell

Margaret Timbrell is a text based needlework artist working out of her art studio in San Francisco. You can also find her on Instagram

My medium is needlework which naturally creates a homey atmosphere. I find myself working either seated in my cozy chair or sitting on the floor. Sometimes I even work laying down. I move projects that I'm working on around on my walls so I can look at them up close and from a distance while I bring the current piece I'm stitching to the chair with me. A rug and a comfy chair in my space are very important to me. They were the only furniture I paid for. Otherwise, I prioritized free and found furniture/storage.” - Margaret Timbrell

Feature Photo by Margaret Timbrell

Mayela Rodriguez, our Editorial Designer, works closely with the team to create designs for the website, newsletter, and user experience. A self-proclaimed “media-agnostic” artist, Mayela received her MFA from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. You can learn more about her work at www.mayelarodriguez.com.

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